Meet our Facilitators

Our team of facilitators and training consultants at Training Warehouse possess a broad depth of business experience, education and knowledge. Many have worked in corporate learning and skill development for years. If you have a specific topic, series of workshops or training programs that you would like to engage the same facilitator, we would be pleased to offer some recommendations. We invite you to click on the links below to learn more about our terrific training team. Facilitator references are provided upon request.

Joanne Blake – Facilitator & Business Trainer

Joanne is an internationally known business etiquette, image consultant, speaker and business trainer in Canada for nearly 20 years. She is a member of the Association of Image Consultants International and is one of only 170 in the world. She is the only Albertan who has earned the CIP designation, Certified Image Professional. Joanne appears frequently on television and radio and is often called upon by media for her expert commentary. She has been featured in The Globe and Mail, CBC Radio and The New York Times. She has co-authored the book Executive Image Power, and has created a dining video training program rated #1 by the Wall Street Journal and is used to develop executive table manners by MBA business schools and corporations across North America. Her ‘savvy not stuffy’ approach to speaking and training keeps audiences engaged while they learn how to project a confident professional presence to generate trust and credibility.

Jim Ewing – Facilitator & Business Trainer

Jim is a Distinguished Toastmaster, experienced facilitator, presenter and speaker who has enjoyed client engagement at conferences, special events and the media for more than 30 years. In his career supporting small business development, Jim presented numerous workshops and seminars to Albertans all over the province. He currently provides leadership and advisory committee input to programs in the community, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and Metro Continuing Education.

Nancy Kindler – Facilitator & Business Trainer

Nancy is an accomplished business trainer, coach and facilitator, who has facilitated hundreds of training sessions since 1994. Topics she has specialized in are business planning, sales and marketing, soft skills improvement – all focused on the leadership skills people need to improve their results in business. Her career accomplishments include 22 years as an integrity sales and marketing professional, in foodservice, hospitality, tourism and agriculture. She has owned and operated three businesses and managed several organizations both for profit and not for profit. Nancy’s participants in the classroom consistently describe her as “engaging”. Her training as an adult educator began with courses through Metro Continuing Education and continued with the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. She has 20 years of service on boards and committees in industry. Her passion is to develop leaders.

Jacquelyn Reynolds – Facilitator & Business Trainer

With more than 20 years experience, Jacquelyn is an energetic hospitality professional and corporate trainer with a passion for Communications and Excellent Customer Service in the workplace. Her work with the Canadian Tourism Hotel Resource Council as a certification program evaluator was instrumental in the development of new emerit occupational standards for Alberta. As a student of life-long learning, Jacquelyn currently attends the University of Alberta part time and is completing her Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education in 2015.

Jim Spiers – Facilitator & Business Trainer

Jim is a grad of the University of Saskatchewan and an accomplished trainer who has delivered hundreds of learning sessions in the past 20 years. He is an active member of the Canadian Marketing Association, the Advertising Club of Edmonton, and the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce. In his career, he has worked in the brewing industry, food processing, catering and camp services, agricultural equipment, media and charitable organizations including Junior Achievement and United Way to name a few. He is a passionate presenter on topics of sales, marketing and career development.

Rod Evanenko – Facilitator & Business Trainer

Rod is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and over the past 26 years has assisted many organizations, both international and local with leadership and management advisory, operational efficiencies, financial management, coaching and training to name a few. From the age of 17, Rod explored his interest in business while working in the restaurant industry, and enrolled in Business Administration at his local college. Following graduation at the age of 21, he acquired a bankrupt and neglected hotel which he cleaned up and turned around within the year to become a successful operation. Rod has redirected much of his focus in the past few years towards teaching and coaching with a specific interest on team building, leadership and management, recognizing that this is fundamental to an organizations’ cultural and economic success.